? ? ??近日,Frontiers in Plant?Science?在線發表中國農大王建華和中國農科院劉允軍團隊題為“?Transcriptome Analysis of Maize Immature Embryos Reveals the Roles of Cysteine in Improving?Agrobacterium?Infection Efficiency”研究論文,系統解析了半胱氨酸提高農桿菌介導的玉米幼胚轉化效率的機理。
? ? ??最近幾年,玉米的遺傳轉化效率不斷提高,其中抗氧化劑半胱氨酸可明顯提高玉米幼胚的農桿菌轉化效率,但其機理尚不明確,在本研究中作者證明通過在共培養培養基中添加半胱氨酸可以明顯HiII和Z31兩個品種的農桿菌轉化效率,半胱氨酸處理后的幼胚活性氧的含量要高于對照組,通過轉錄組測序進一步研究證明,半胱氨酸處理后939個基因表達上調,這些基因主要參與氧化還原反應過程,另外有549個基因表達下調,主要參與細胞壁和細胞膜代謝過程。
? ? ? ? Maize?Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency has been greatly improved in recent years. Antioxidants, such as, cysteine, can significantly improve maize transformation frequency through improving the?Agrobacterium?infection efficiency. However, the mechanism underlying the transformation improvement after cysteine exposure has not been elucidated. In this study, we showed that the addition of cysteine to the co-cultivation medium significantly increased the?Agrobacterium?infection efficiency of hybrid HiII and inbred line Z31 maize embryos. Reactive oxygen species contents were higher in embryos treated with cysteine than that without cysteine. We further investigated the mechanism behind cysteine-related infection efficiency increase using transcriptome analysis. The results showed that the cysteine treatment up-regulated 939 genes and down-regulated 549 genes in both Z31 and HiII. Additionally, more differentially expressed genes were found in HiII embryos than those in Z31 embryos,suggesting that HiII was more sensitive to the cysteine treatment than Z31. GO analysis showed that the up-regulated genes were mainly involved in the oxidation reduction process. The up-regulation of these genes could help maize embryos to cope with the oxidative stress stimulated by?Agrobacterium?infection. The down-regulated genes were mainly involved in the cell wall and membrane metabolism, such as, aquaporin and expansin genes. Decreased expression of these cell wall integrity genes could loosen the cell wall, thereby improving the entry of?Agrobacterium?into plant cells. This study offers insight into the role of cysteine in improving?Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of maize immature embryos.
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